Sometimes I make demos or demo-adjacent things that are shown at demoparties. They're not really very good. Which is totally fine.
My profile: on pouet as a user, as a "group" (Pouet considers individuals to be groups with one member), on demozoo.
In reverse chronological order:
First executable graphics, since I didn't want to spend the time to make a real demo this time around. I wasn't sure if it would be presentable by the deadline, but it was. Not the greatest executable graphics, but hey, I made one. It's a basic 3D scanline renderer with some bezier curves on top of that. The original idea was to send a bunch of polygons to the X server with XRENDER, but that didn't work out, so it draws into a pixel buffer and displays that. More info.
Underground Conference has this category called "Demohass" where you make a parody or a modification of a demo you "hate". I chose secretDemo (aka quantumtunnel/QNTMTNL) by rtz23/kolor (watch online (mirror) pouet demozoo download (mirror)) which I'd seen presented at Deadline 2023, because although the demo looks pretty cool (though I think he didn't make the 3D models himself) it spends a long time going nowhere.
In my hack/parody/remix I reverse-engineered it enough to modify a few things: the selection of tunnel pieces is not randomized but continuously repeats the same sequence, the slides are modified, the slide sequence is modified, the speed increases much more rapidly, and the demo is shorter, although the music still plays to the end if you let it. Although I identified which engine was used to make the original demo, it doesn't have a way to import an exported project and modify it further, so I hacked the JavaScript itself.
The hack/parody/remix doesn't have a name, so it's just referred to as immibis_uc13_demohass.
Another silly thing coded at the party, inspired by the laser show above the lake on the first night. Inspiration for the text was SCP-4485. This one used a new 4k demo template with minimized overhead, so it could fit more demo content.
Threw together some random nonsense so I'd have an excuse to attend Revision. The bees are cubes-morphed-into-people with a negative morph factor. I discovered this accidentally. I changed some text from v1 to v2, and they mistakenly displayed v1 during the party. I still made the music in Bitwig Studio first, but with instruments that I knew were straightforward enough to replicate in code, so no more .wav file.
During the party I had the idea to make a demo that randomly generates and mutates shaders in a genetic-algorithm-like way. By crushing it and removing some features it fit in 4k without any special tricks because it is just not very big. My later 4k productions use special tricks. This will produce different effects every time you run it. Compiled on Ubuntu 22.04.
My first "real" demoparty entry. Although I'd never entered a demoparty before (apart from On Track) I knew enough to know that 64k was an interesting category. 64k is big enough that you can code whatever, but you can only bring code, or very small data files. A lot of unlimited size demos use big engines like Unity with big 3D models and texture files, and I don't think that's very much in the demoscene spirit, although it can be in some cases. You have to know what you're doing to make a 64k at all, but it's not too hard either.
I made the mistake of making a soundtrack in Bitwig Studio, and then trying to recreate the same soundtrack in code after the graphics were done. This didn't work so I exported the .wav from Bitwig and included it in the demo, making it not a 64k demo. If you delete the music file and compress the executable file with xz, it fits in 64k and runs without music. Compiled on Ubuntu 22.04.
There are three secret messages in this demo.
Created for the purpose of doing something cool with the CCCamp 2023 Flower Badge, then accidentally found out it was a demoscene thing. The significant hack here was modifying the firmware to be able to stream a three-minute wave file instead of just 5-second audio clips and MIDI music. The music is Potential for Anything from the game VVVVVV. The part I created was the programming and the light show.